WordPress Development
WordPress is one of the most powerful Open Source systems you can get. Growing from a simple blogging platform, into a full CMS with eCommerce ability. It is used all over the world for everything from simple blogging websites to complex corporate and eCommerce applications.
It is simple to manage and reliable. Here at Verve we’ve been developing on it, since it’s inception and have used it every way shape and form imaginable. From corporate and informational sites to complete portals, communities, intranets and e-commerce applications. We’ve done it all. We can customize any design or create custom WordPress plugins and API’s.
At Verve we first put great emphasis on:
and of course, much more!
Free never means Free
All Open Source applications come with a caveat; free is a misconception. Sure, you could put them up on your website out of the box, but that rarely works. You will have to spend yours or a service provider’s time getting things the way you want them. Think of it as renting the space for your business. You still need to bring in the furniture, the computers, paint the place to your liking and branding. Content management systems such as WordPress merely become the starting point.
The great part about it is that there is a large community of developers behind it that ensure it is effective and secure. When you have something custom built for your website you get more granular control and modification. The down side is that it costs more and now you have to be constantly adapting and maintaining your proprietary code. It can can be overwhelming.